Saturday, May 19, 2007

The peninsula

I've not had a lot of computer time recently (here's the reason - highly recommended), so my blog is lagging behind a bit. Anyway, this is a picture of the beautiful village where I played a concert last weekend. Ambialet lies on the river Tarn, some miles upstream from Albi.

Confusingly, there seem to be two rivers in the picture (click it to see a bigger version) but actually they are both the Tarn. Between them is a narrow rocky strip that the river can't get over, so it goes on a loop of two or three miles before coming back within fifty yards of where it started. Have a look at the aerial photo on Géoportail to get the full effect. So Ambialet and its 11th century church are almost on an island (indeed, it's called a presqu'île in French).

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