Monday, May 07, 2007

Absolutely Fabius

We got home from Barcelona last night (the whole family, two Chuckerbutty concerts, pictures to follow) to find that it was all over and that Sarkozy had won. Want to know what the next five years will bring? Read it here.

There were lots of politicians and campaigners on the television with not much to say but nonetheless saying it at great length. Laurent Fabius, a former socialist prime minister, had an ingenious line: It's dangerous to have too much power concentrated in the hands of one person, so the voters must give the socialists a strong result in next month's parliamentary elections to ensure a proper democratic counterbalance to the president. I wonder if he would have proposed the same argument if Ségolène Royal had won. By the way, it was Fabius who, when Royal announced that she was running for president, asked "But who will take care of the children?"

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