Saturday, August 12, 2006

Meet the family, part 1

Time for some family pics. So far we have only one willing volunteer, so here is Lowri, snapped last week in the back garden.

Meanwhile we're keeping close track of the airline news, following the not-9/11 drama. We have some friends who are due to fly out and visit tomorrow, so I hope they make it. On the 25th I'm flying back to England with my theorbo. I've bought a seat for it, but the list of permissible cabin items at the moment is so ridiculous (spectacles, without case...) that the chances of getting a 6-foot long instrument through the passenger door are vanishingly small. Maybe everyone will have forgotten about the crisis by then? Some hope.

(A little later)

More volunteers have been found. Here are Philomena and Herne on the front steps. This is after we cleaned the front gates together, which are now much whiter than before but have lost great patches of loose paint. Brushes and pots at the ready for tomorrow.

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