Friday, August 03, 2007

What the owl brought

Not one but two copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows arrived last week, sent by some kind English friends who visited recently. A wise move to avoid serious conflict. All three children (me too) have now read it, and Fearnley is half way through for the second time. I can reveal that it ends happily ever after.

Meanwhile, I agreed to buy some Expensive Software for Fearnley's birthday. Imagine the dismay when we placed the order and the estimated delivery date came up as 25 October. In fact the package arrived two days ago. Imagine the dismay when it refused to install itself because our computer doesn't have enough memory. On to the Dell website to order some more. Imagine the dismay.... no, stop it. It WILL work once the new memory arrives.

1 comment:

Fearnley said...

Our household went potty over Potter: we have 3 copies, plus Clare's (in her own house)! John was determined to be first to read it - he bought it at midnight and finished it by 8pm on Saturday, beating Clare by 3 hours (she didn't start until 9am mind). I wasn't in a hurry and completed my task just a couple of days ago.