Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Still termtime

20th December, and the children are still grinding on at school. They don't finish until Friday 22nd which makes for a damned long term since the beginning of September. And of course there's end-of-term things crowding in. Fearnley was singing in Christmas concerts for the Ecole de Musique on Saturday and Sunday evenings (theme: Walt Disney - none of this Christmas carol nonsense), and running in an athletics meeting in Toulouse on Sunday afternoon for a bit of variety. The best thing about the holidays will be not having to leave the house in the dark for the 8 a.m. school start.

Must bring in some logs and light a fire.

Which reminds me (flames, you know...) - there definitely is something about the lute which inspires intense brotherly hatred. This time the battlefield is the flute-backed vihuela, something that most people manage to remain reasonably calm about. Interestingly, the publisher Matanya Ophee, nemesis of Ness, also appears in this one.

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