Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Airport runs

Lots of travelling ....

Lowri's just back from England
I'm going there today to play a concert in Cambridge on Friday
Then I come back on Saturday with Lowri's parents...
... who return home on the 12th
Then Lowri goes to England on the 15th for a few days
Then when she's back I go to Spain on the 21st for a concert with the Chuckerbutty Ocarina Quartet
Then I go directly to England for a concert with Sambuca in Sheffield
Then the rest of the family comes to England for cousin Clare's wedding and half-term holidays, during which we drive all over the place
Then they go back to France and I go to Ibiza for another concert with the COQ
Then I return to the UK and then to France
Then - oh, that's enough for now. That takes us up to early November. Another instalment later.

I am reading David Ruelle's Hasard et Chaos at the moment but it's a bit heavy, in more senses than one, to take on the plane with me. So I am going to take Jules Verne's Le tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours instead, to remind me of how travelling used to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Fearnley V Martin: Hi Peter - I'm really enjoying reading your blog, especially as I can set off one of the music clips and then carry on reading! Particularly love the Tango 1930.

I remember well the sea of French acronyms and form-filling, my worst annual activity was the tax return.

Looking forwared to seeing you all at The Wedding!